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Not all marshal posts are necessarily in use. As a minimum, each post should be visible to the marshals at the next post, in both directions. For example Post 3 can see posts 2 and 4.

The green flag lap is a sighting lap and one of its intended uses is for the driver to learn the position of all manned posts.

Above is a map of the circuit, showing the marshal posts for all configurations. Below, they are described in more detail.

Marshal Post 1: Before Startline
On the outside, before the start of the first hospitality block.

It is also shortly before the Start/Finish line and the starting gantry.

By the end of the third and last of the three hospitality blocks can be seen a set of lights. These are shortly before Marshal Post 2.

Marshal Post 2: Allard Entry
On the outside, where the armco ends end the tyre wall begins. It is also opposite the start of the apex kerb.

There is a flag light at this post.

Marshal Post 3: Allard Exit
On turning into Allard, the flag light can be spotted by looking over the apex armco.

The post is on the outside, opposite the end of the pit exit. The flag light is a few metres further down.

The view for the marshals is restricted view, due to the post being between Allard Corner and a spectator bank, hence the proximity of Post 4.

Marshal Post 4: Between Allard and Campbell
Between Allard and Campbell there is an unnamed bend that sweeps to the left. This post is on the outside, by the leading corner of a large industrial building.

It is a very short distance from Post 3 and the flag light.

Marshal Post 5: Campbell Approach
On the outside, just as the track transitions from a left curve to a right curve.

The flag lights are further ahead, by Post 6.

Marshal Post 6: Campbell
Visually straight ahead for the driver before turning in. It is on the outside of the circuit.

Marshal Post 7: Segrave
Turning in at Campbell, look towards Segrave, where the post and flag lights can be seen.

Having exited Segrave, turn into Cobb. On exiting, the post can be seen ahead, to the left, with the flag light straight ahead.

Marshal Post 8: Segrave Exit
On the outside, well after the exit kerbing. It is by the gap in the barrier.

Approaching Segrave, it can be seen by looking across the apex.

These posts are directly opposite each other.

Marshal Post 9: Noble
On the outside, just before the start of the apex kerb.

Marshal Post 9F: Noble
On the inside, shortly after the start of the apex kerb.

Marshal Post 10: Goodwood Approach
On the outside, as the track begins to turn.

Marshal Post 11: Goodwood
On the outside, opposite the apex kerbing, at the end of the tyre wall.

Flag lights are at the front of this post.

Marshal Post 11F: Goodwood
On the inside, by the apex kerbing and just before the start of a runway.

Marshal Posts 11 and 11F are opposite each other.

Marshal Post 12: Village
The post can be seen early by looking on the inside of Post 11F as you approach its apex.

It is on the inside, shortly after the runway.

There is no Marshal Post 13.

Marshal Post 14: Between Village and Church
On the outside. It can be seen as you approach Post 12, when the flag lights can also be seen.

This is the only outside post on the massively fast Village and Church corners.

Marshal Post 15: Church
On the inside, by the apex kerbing and just after the start of a runway.

There is a big bump just before the post.

Marshal Post 16: Church Exit
On the inside, opposite, and one-third along, the apex kerbing.

Marshal Post 17: Between Church and Brooklands
On the outside. Approaching Post 16, this post is in the distance, by a bushy tree (which, of course depending on the time of year, may not be in bloom). Here is a set of flag lights.

Marshal Post 18: Woodham Hill
Again, on the outside, by the next gap in the armco, complete with access road.

Marshal Post 19: Woodham Hill
Approaching Post 18, look a little further down, to the right. You will see a small bushy tree; in front of this is Post 19.

Marshal Post 20: Club Chicane Entry
From before Post 18, by looking into the distance you will see two grandstands. These are overlooking Club chicane. To the left of these grandstands, almost attached, is Post 20, along with a flag light.

Marshal Post 21: Club Chicane
As you turn into Club chicane, this post can be seen across the middle apex.

Riding the first apex and looking for the next (middle) apex, the post is now directly ahead. From here, looking to the left of the blue cabin, Post 22’s flag light can be seen, peeping over the top of the end of the tyre wall.

Marshal Post 22: Club Chicane Exit
On the outside, opposite the pit entry, where there can be confusion between a car slowing and entering the pits and other cars at racing pace.

This post is positioned a little beyond the grandstand and cannot be seen until the driver is exiting Club chicane, therefore the driver will see flags at the last moment. The flag light, a few metres further on, is positioned so that it can be easily spotted while traversing Club.

Page updated by Peter Tattersall, July 2023