This page details all the places a driver needs to take themselves or their car over a race weekend.
Entrance and Pit Lane Garages
On entering the circuit facilities, bear left and head straight on, until you reach the pay booths.
Having passed the pay booths, bear right and then left. Drive over a bridge that crosses the circuit. At the end of the road, turn right.
Drive straight on; the paddock is ahead.
On entering the paddock, the pit lane and garages are to the left. Tyrrells restaurant is straight on and to the left.

From the paddock head towards the garage block and the turn left. Walk past the garages, on the right, to paddock’s edge, then turn left to head north. From the edge of the paddock, there is a lane off to the right. This is hard to spot, as it is hidden by bushes and trees. Once on this lane, it bears right into the Assembly Area.
Race Control / Race Admin / Parc Ferme / Scrutineering
Returning from the Assembly Area, walk past the garages, on the left. There is an access lane for the pit lane, followed by Race Control and Race Admin.
Continue straight on for Parc Ferme and, beyond, the Scrutineering Bay.
Medical Centre
From Race Control, which is south of the paddock, and looking at the Scrutineering Bay, turn right. Skirt around Parc Ferme until you are at the furthest west point of the paddock. Here, to the North, is the Medical Centre.
Tyrrells Restaurant
From outside the Medical Centre, turn right. The next building on the left is Tyrrells Restaurant, which also has a set of toilets. Outside Tyrrells is a seating area and a children’s play area.
If a track or test day, signing on can take place at Tyrrells.
Waste / Toilets and Showers
Passing Tyrrells on the left, you come across a facility where toilet waste can be disposed of. Continuing on
From Tyrrells, walk past the toilet and shower block and then turn right. Ahead, to the left, is a fuel station.
This is a long journey from the paddock, as it is across the circuit, opposite Race Control. It is probably better to speak to Race Control before visiting, as they may be able to help. I’ve not been myself (I will on my next visit) and so cannot guarantee the following directions, or even if you will be able to enter the building. If I haven’t put you off, here goes…
Head out of the paddock and head towards the entrance pay booths, just before which you can turn right. This leads towards the grandstand that overlooks Bomb Hole corner. Continue past the grandstand skirting the circuit perimeter, passing Coram Curve and reaching the start finish straight. You will see the garages opposite, and then the Control Centre. Once you are opposite the Control Centre you will have arrived at the Timekeepers building.
Pits and Circuit Access

Pits, Including Entry and Exit
The pit lane and garages are at the southern end of the paddock. Access to the pit lane, including garages, from the paddock area is via eastern end of the garages, which is to the right as you look at the garages from the paddock. Accessing the pit lane from the access road on the western end of the pit block and, aside from a small area aside Race Control, you are on the pit exit road.
Circuit Access, Including from Assembly Area
Having entered at the northwest end of the Assembly Area, marshals will release you into the pit line from the southwest end of the Assembly Area. From there, drivers may be lined up, opposite the garages, on the left lane. From there, when released, drive straight on into the pit exit lane and onto the circuit.
Cars can also be released, from the southeast end of the Assembly Area, directly onto the grid.
When in the pit lane during a session, and only when permission is given via marshals or traffic lights, join the circuit carefully as the end of the pit exit lane is at the apex of the first corner. While you will be opposite the racing line, be aware of overtaking cars moving out of the slipstream at the last moment. Also be careful to give the apex to cars already on-circuit.

Circuit Egress
On exiting Russell, stay right, to be clear of the racing line. Raise a hand to indicate that you are pitting and reduce speed as you enter the pit lane. If there are multiple cars behind, be aware that one driver may pull to the right, intending to pass the car in front.
There is a short straight before a bend to the left, which has a tyre wall either side. There is then an equally short run to the start of the speed-limit controlled pit lane. Ensure that you have reduced your speed to the 60kph limit by the white line that crosses the circuit alongside a tyre wall on the right, which is angled towards you.
Immediately before the garage block is the entrance, on the right, into the paddock.
Immediately after the garage block is the entrance, on
the right, into the paddock.
Parc Ferme – 200 Configuration

If an official session, then marshals will likely direct you into Parc Ferme.
Access to this is down the pit lane, after the garage block, on the right. If using the 300 Configuration, this access is unlikely to be used; see the next section.
Parc Ferme – 300 Configuration

There is a new exit from the Snetterton 300; instead of a slowing down lap, you will now go to Parc Ferme by turning right after Palmer (Corner 3). The exit lane turns right just before the grandstand, with the Medical Centre coming up on the left. Head straight on and the marshals will guide you into Parc Ferme.
Approaching Russell on the parade lap, take care as you negotiate Coram; any accelerating, braking and weaving should take into account the likelihood of the concertina effect as cars approaching the back of the grid slow down.

Starting Grid – Rear
Exiting Russell, the pit entry can be seen on the right. The last place on the grid is after the pit entry lane has been separated from the track by a grass triangle and before the tyre barrier.

Starting Grid – Front
The front of the grid is opposite the end of the garage block. It is also just after the access road on the left of the track.
Starting Lights
The starting lights are located on a gantry above the right side of the track, at the end of the concrete pit wall. The lights are alongside the end of Race Control, to the right, and the timekeeper’s block, on the left.
There are no repeater starting lights.
Page created by Peter Tattersall, January 2022