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The different configurations are detailed separately, and are

300 Configuration

Not all marshal posts are necessarily in use. As a minimum, each post should be visible to the marshals at the next post, in both directions. For example Post 3 can see posts 2 and 4.

The green flag lap is a sighting lap and one of its intended uses is for the driver to learn the position of all manned posts.

Above is a map of the circuit, showing the marshal posts for all configurations. Below, they are described in more detail.

Marshal Post 1: Pitlane Exit
On the inside. Immediately after the end of the pitlane wall, looking to the right, there is a gap in the armco to allow access from the paddock. On the other side of the gap is this post.

Marshal Post 2: Riches In
Opposite the very end of the pitlane exit, just as the broken white line merges into the apex kerb.

Marshal Post 3: Riches Out
Opposite the very end of the apex kerb. It is also at the end of the tyre wall.

Marshal Post 4: Wilson In
On the side (right) of the circuit, just before the head of the hairpin.

Marshal Post 5: Palmer In
On the outside (right) of the circuit, just after the point at which the track begins to turn.

Marshal Post 11: Oggies
This post can be seen on the inside (left) of the circuit, just after Palmer’s apex. It serves Oggies corner and so can be disregarded when exiting Palmer.

I mention it here for two reasons:
1) without doing so may cause confusion when it is seen from this point;
2) I have seen a Marshal Post web site describing this as Post 6. As you can see from the photograph, the marshal is waving his flag for Oggies. Furthermore, the post looks too confined to be suitable for also flagging Palmer.

Marshal Post 6: Palmer Out
On the inside (left) of the circuit, just before the end of the tyre wall.

Marshal Post 7: Tyrrells
It is located on the right just after, Tyrrells Restaurant.

Marshal Post 8: Agostini In
On the outside just after the turn-in point for the hairpin. There is an access road immediately after.

Marshal Post 9: Agostini Out
On the outside, right, at the end of the exit kerbing.

Marshal Post 10: Hamilton
On the outside, right, after the track has straightened. Shortly before the end of the barrier.

Marshal Post 11: Oggies
Situated at the top of the rise, on the right.

Marshal Post 12: Williams
On the left, there is an access road (it is a link for the 100 configuration).After this there is an island. The post is towards the end.

Marshal Post 13: Start of Bentley Straight
On joining the Bentley Straight, there is an exit kerbing for the 300 configuration. The marshal post is on the left, at the end of this kerbing.

Marshal Post 14: Centre of Bentley Straight
To the right of the track. The post should be easily spotted, as it is very close to the edge of the track.

Marshal Post 15: Brundle (Formerly Esses In)
On the right, just after a small access road. Before the bridge.

Marshal Post 16: Nelson (Formerly Esses Out)
Whilst overlooking Nelson, this is actually located at the apex of Brundle.

Marshal Post 17: Bomb Hole In
On the outside left, just before the corner entry.

Marshal Post 18: Bomb Hole Out
On the outside left of the track, quite far back, shortly after the end of the exit kerbing.

Marshal Post 19: Coram
On the outside left of the track, quite far back. Opposite the centre of the apex kerbing.

Marshal Post 20: Murrays
As you continue steering right through the last part of Coram, the knoll by Agostini corner can be seen in the distance. Looking towards the right base of that hillock, this post’s repeater light can be seen.

When at the apex of Russell, the post can be seen ahead. It is after the exit of Murrays, to the right, just before the start of the armco.

By the marshal post is a flag repeater light.

Marshal Post 21: Pit Lane Entry
On the island between the pit lane entry and the track, just before the start of the pit wall.

Marshal Post 22: Senna
On the outside, just before the Start/Finish line.

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Go to guide for configuration:

200 Configuration

Not all marshal posts are necessarily in use. As a minimum, each post should be visible to the marshals at the next post, in both directions. For example Post 3 can see posts 2 and 4.

The green flag lap is a sighting lap and one of its intended uses is for the driver to learn the position of all manned posts.

Above is a map of the circuit, showing the marshal posts for all configurations. Below, they are described in more detail.

Marshal Post 1: Pitlane Exit
On the inside. Immediately after the end of the pitlane wall, looking to the right, there is a gap in the armco to allow access from the paddock. On the other side of the gap is this post.

Marshal Post 2: Riches In
Opposite the very end of the pitlane exit, just as the broken white line merges into the apex kerb.

Marshal Post 3: Riches Out
Opposite the very end of the apex kerb. It is also at the end of the tyre wall.

Marshal Post 4: Wilson In
On the side (right) of the circuit, just before the head of the hairpin.

Marshal Post 13: Start of Bentley Straight
On joining the Bentley Straight, there is an exit kerbing for the 300 configuration. The marshal post is on the left, at the end of this kerbing.

Marshal Post 14: Centre of Bentley Straight
To the right of the track. The post should be easily spotted, as it is very close to the edge of the track.

Marshal Post 15: Brundle (Formerly Esses In)
On the right, just after a small access road. Before the bridge.

Marshal Post 16: Nelson (Formerly Esses Out)
Whilst overlooking Nelson, this is actually located at the apex of Brundle.

Marshal Post 17: Bomb Hole In
On the outside left, just before the corner entry.

Marshal Post 18: Bomb Hole Out
On the outside left of the track, quite far back, shortly after the end of the exit kerbing.

Marshal Post 19: Coram
On the outside left of the track, quite far back. Opposite the centre of the apex kerbing.

Marshal Post 20: Murrays
As you continue steering right through the last part of Coram, the knoll by Agostini corner can be seen in the distance. Looking towards the right base of that hillock, this post’s repeater light can be seen.

When at the apex of Russell, the post can be seen ahead. It is after the exit of Murrays, to the right, just before the start of the armco.

By the marshal post is a flag repeater light.

Marshal Post 21: Pit Lane Entry
On the island between the pit lane entry and the track, just before the start of the pit wall.

Marshal Post 22: Senna
On the outside, just before the Start/Finish line.

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The different configurations are detailed separately, and are

100 Configuration

Not all marshal posts are necessarily in use. As a minimum, each post should be visible to the marshals at the next post, in both directions. For example Post 8 can see posts 7 and 9.

The green flag lap is a sighting lap and one of its intended uses is for the driver to learn the position of all manned posts.

Above is a map of the circuit, showing the marshal posts for all configurations. Below, they are described in more detail.

Marshal Post 7: Tyrrells
It is located on the right just after, Tyrrells Restaurant.

Marshal Post 8: Agostini In
On the outside just after the turn-in point for the hairpin. There is an access road immediately after.

Marshal Post 9: Agostini Out
On the outside, right, at the end of the exit kerbing.

Marshal Post 10: Hamilton
On the outside, right, after the track has straightened. Shortly before the end of the barrier.

Marshal Post 11: Oggies
Situated at the top of the rise, on the right.

Marshal Post 12: Williams
On the left, there is an access road (it is a link for the 100 configuration).After this there is an island. The post is towards the end.

Marshal Post 5: Palmer In
On the outside (right) of the circuit, just after the point at which the track begins to turn.

Marshal Post 11: Oggies
This post can be seen on the inside (left) of the circuit, just after Palmer’s apex. It serves Oggies corner and so can be disregarded when exiting Palmer.

I mention it here for two reasons:
1) without doing so may cause confusion when it is seen from this point;
2) I have seen a Marshal Post web site describing this as Post 6. As you can see from the photograph, the marshal is waving his flag for Oggies. Furthermore, the post looks too confined to be suitable for also flagging Palmer.

Marshal Post 6: Palmer Out
On the inside (left) of the circuit, just before the end of the tyre wall.

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The different configurations are detailed separately, and are

Page updated by Peter Tattersall, March 2022