I was pleasantly surprised to discover just how many places there are to spectate from. This includes seating via three grandstands and a picnic zone. Note that, whilst there is a seating area by the Fogarty Centre, a sign shows that this can be reserved for guests.

Aside from the grandstands, there is not much on the outside of the circuit, but you can walk from the Lodge Corner grandstand towards Warwick Bridge (the main entrance) and also all the way to the first corner, Old Hall. There is also a path from a bridge crossing at Clay Hill, which goes all the way down to Britten’s chicane. Please note that, due to Covid-19 restrictions, whilst confident with the marshals who provided the information, I was unable to confirm any of the details in this paragraph.

From the inside of the circuit, it is possible to start from the pit exit and, keeping the circuit in view the whole time, walk all the way to around Watertower, where a short wooded route takes the spectator to Druids Corner. You can also walk from Warwick Bridge to the pit entry, again always being able to see the circuit.

The notes accompanying the following photographs are numbered in relation to the map, above.


Spectators can walk all the way to the pit exit. From here, they can walk down to Cascades and then all the way to Druids, via a wooded walkway.

This picnic area is at the top of the hill overlooking Cascades. From this angle, there is the view of Knickerbrook in the distance.

The same picnic area, looking at the circuit from Knickerbrook.

This time looking towards the bridge at Clay Hill.

The bridge at Clay Hill that can be crossed to gain access to the Knickerbrook grandstand and the Britten’s chicane.

The entrance to the Woodlands path, which leads to Druids Corner.

A view of the circuit from Woodlands path, via a picturesque pond.

From Druids, looking at the approaching cars.

From Druids, looking at cars as they exit the corner and approach Warwick Bridge.

From Druids. This is the furthest spectating point without turning back,

The marshals are at work at Warwick Bridge.

I asked the marshals nicely if I could take this photograph from the top of the banking leading up to Warwick Bridge.

The memorial, by Lodge Corner.

The memorial, by Lodge Corner.

Close to the pedestrian bridge and pit lane entry, looking at Lodge Corner.

From the same position as above, looking at the pedestrian bridge.

Close to the Chequers Restaurant. Turning around we see…

… from the above position, turning around we see splendid views of the circuit.

Page created by Peter Tattersall, Apr 2021