This document details all the places a driver needs to take themselves or their car over a race weekend.

Guided Tour of Paddock

Take a guided tour around the paddock by starting at 1 in the map above and reading the notes in the table below.

1. Approach to the Main Entrance
In the distance can be seen the Chequers restaurant; the entrance is on the left. Straight on leads to the Fogarty Centre.
1. Approach to the Main Entrance
Here, turn left to enter the paddock.

It is straight (bearing right slightly) to get to the Fogarty Centre.
2. Approach to the Fogarty Centre
The Fogarty Centre is after the side road on the right. A toilet block is opposite the centre
2. Fogarty Centre and Toilets
The approach to the Fogarty Centre on the right. The toilet block can be seen on the left.
2. Fogarty Centre
There is limited parking opposite the entrance to the Fogarty Centre.
3. Chequers Restaurant
Just on the inside of the paddock is the Chequers restaurant. Here is the approach to the main entrance.
3. Chequers Restaurant
The main entrance.
Chequers Restaurant
On entering the restaurant, hot food is available during busy periods.

Here, the entrance is to the left, with the restaurant to the right.
3. Chequers Restaurant
The servery is to the left, out of shot, with the bar further down, also to the left.

The windows open up to allow access to outdoor seating.
4. Fuel and Waste
A small fuel station is available during limited periods of the day. It is best not to assume that fuel will be available, particularly for smaller meetings.

To the right of the fuel station is a depository for waste oil, alongside a portable toilet waste disposal point.
4. Fuel
A small fuel station is available during limited periods.
4. Waste
To the right of the fuel station, here are the depositories for waste oil, followed by the portable toilet waste disposal point.
5. Scrutineering, Toilets and Showers
At the far north of the paddock can be found the scrutineering bay, at the end of which are toilets and showers.
5. Toilets and Showers
At the end of the scrutineering bay are the toilets and showers.
5. Scrutineering
This is the exit of the scrutineering bay.
5. Scrutineering
The interior of the scrutineering bay.
6. Parc Fermé
The exit from parc fermé.

Ambulances can be seen in the compound of the medical centre, with Race Control to the right of the picture.
6. Parc Fermé
From the centre of the scrutineering bay, looking towards parc fermé.
6. Parc Fermé
Parc fermé is to the left of the fence, with the exit being ahead, by the pole.

Race Control can be seen ahead, the raised structure overlooking the pit lane. The medical centre is in front of Race Control.
7. Entrance to the Medical Centre
Walking past parc fermé, we come across the entrance to the medical centre.
7. Medical Centre Entrance
At the side of the medical centre, is the entrance. Note the armco that separates the medical centre from the pit lane.
7. Medical Centre Entrance
The entrance to the medical centre.
8. Podium and Water
After the medical centre, on our way to Race Control, we pass water taps and the podium.
8. Race Control
From the podium, Race Control can be seen ahead.

To the right of Race Control, looking from the paddock, are a set of toilets, then the garages.
8. Race Control
Another view of Race Control, this time from the pit entry lane.

Race control is attached to the garages, to the left, with toilets between.
8. Race Control
Entering Race Control, this time from the paddock, directions are provided for various officials on the first floor, with the Media Centre on the second.
9. Toilets
The toilets are between Race control and the garages. There is a path leading directly to the pit lane.
9. Garages
The garages cover the majority of the pit lane, all the way to the Assembly Area and the start of the pit exit lane.
10. Assembly Area
Looking from the garages, the Assembly Area can be seen on the other side of the fencing.

To access the Assembly Area from here, drive towards it and turn right at the fence. At the end of the fence turn left and the entrance is ahead, on the left.
10. Assembly Area Entrance
There is a marshal’s box to the left of the entrance, where noise testing can take place.

Pits, Including Entry and Exit

Access from the Assembly Area

Looking South, from the garages, the Assembly Area can be seen ahead and to the right.

To access the Assembly Area from here, drive towards it and turn right at the perimeter fence, at the end of which, turn left and the entrance is ahead, on the left. There is a marshal’s box to the left of the entrance, where noise testing can take place.

Looking ahead from the entrance, the exit that leads to the pit lane can be seen. Marshals will direct you down there. At the end of that lane, with a three-storey hospitality suite on the right, is the pit lane; turning right will put you on the pit exit lane.

Access to the Assembly Area, from the southern end of the paddock.

From the entrance, the exit to the pit lane is ahead.
The Assembly Area.
From the Assembly Area, head towards the hospitality suite. There, turn right for the pit exit lane.Turn right for the pit exit lane.

Notice the left side is a return lane from the pit lane.

Pit Lane Entry

The pit lane entry is shortly after Lodge Corner. From there, move to the right side of the circuit and, in time for the pedestrian bridge that crosses the circuit at the rise of the hill, raise a hand in warning. Be aware of any flags waved at the marshal post by the bridge and reduce speed cautiously.

It is initially a straight entrance, but there is a bend to the left just as one reaches the armco, just after the painted white-striped zone that initially separates pit lane from race track.

Just before the armco begins, there is an opening to the right for parc ferme or returning to the paddock. If you are likely to need to turn right here, especially in qualifying or racing, be especially careful with your pace.

From the pit lane, there is another entry into the paddock, this time after the garage block. Be careful there, as cars may be joining the pit lane from the paddock.

Be aware of the speed limit which, while normally 60kph, may be slower at such events as truck meetings.

The final corner, Lodge, is fast, but on exit there is time to move to the right and raise a hand to indicate that you are pitting.The entry is at high-speed. Ensure that you slow down to the speed limit by the time you are on the pit lane.
The pit lane is ahead.Here, the entry to the pit lane is closed. When live, competitors can turn immediate right, by the Control Centre to return to the paddock, or go straight on for the pit lane and garages.

Pit Lane and Garages

The speed limit encompasses the whole of the pit lane, starting from a little before Race Control and ending after the hospitality suite, which is the final building along this stretch.

The start of the pit lane.Turn right, by the Control Centre, to return to the paddock.
The pit lane and garages.At the far end of the pit lane, between the end of the garages and the hospitality suite, one can turn right to return to the paddock.

Stay to the right, as the left lane is for competitor access to the pit exit lane.

Pit Exit

Obey the lights and join safely. The pit lane exit curves sharply to the right as it cuts the apex of the first corner, Old Hall.

On joining the circuit, stay right until confident that there is nothing on the racing line. The first flag post is just a little ahead, on the right. It is immediately after the corner marker board.

From the pit lane, ahead can be seen the pit exit lane. The hospitality suite is the final building on the right.Alongside the hospitality suite. Access to the circuit is currently closed.
The pit exit lane curves tightly, so take care.Merge onto the race circuit at the exit of the first corner, Lodge. The exit kerb is opposite this point, but still be wary of fast-moving competitors.

Grid and Start Lights

Starting Grid – Rear

Exiting Lodge Corner, slow down as the starting grid is straight ahead. Last place on the starting grid is only a few car-lengths ahead of the end of the gravel trap.

Starting Grid – Rear

Just after the end of the painted white-striped zone, that initially separates pit lane from race track, is where the head of the grid is located. This is shortly after the start of the concrete pit wall, alongside Race Control.

Starting Lights

The starting lights can be seen on a gantry, almost at the midpoint of the garage block.

Repeater lights

Located at the centre of the pedestrian bridge.

The rear of the grid. The bridge, ahead has central starting lights.The pedestrian bridge, with the central starting lights. There are also flag lights visible, to the right.
The view to the front, from alongside pit entry. Not the flag lights by pit entry.The front of the grid is alongside Race Control, with the starting lights ahead, on the right.

Page updated by Peter Tattersall, January 2025