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Not all marshal posts are necessarily in use. As a minimum, each post should be visible to the marshals at the next post, in both directions. For example Post 3 can see posts 2 and 4.
The green flag lap is a sighting lap and one of its intended uses is for the driver to learn the position of all manned posts.
Above is a map of the circuit, showing the all of the marshal posts. Below, they are described in more detail.
Note: All round the circuit, many of the marshal posts are supported be lights that repeat the marshal’s waved flags.
I’m not confident with all these notes and so await feedback.
 | Marshal Post 1: Pedestrian Bridge
Along the start/finish straight, shortly after the head of the grid, which is alongside Race Control. The post is on the left, by and immediately after the pedestrian bridge. |
 | Marshal Post 2: Gerard’s In
At the end of the start/finish straight, just after pit exit.
The post is on the left, just at the point in which the corner begins. |
 | Marshal Posts 3 and 4 : Gerard’s
Post 3 is on the outside of the circuit, with Post 4 on the inside. Post 3 is less likely to be used and will do so in conjunction with Post 3.
Once having turned into Gerard’s, there is no clear visual reference to help the initial location of the posts, which are opposite each other at the midpoint of the corner. Post three is to the left, across the expanse of grass. |
 | Marshal Post 5: Gerard’s Out
Coming to the end of Gerard’s, there is a chicane that is not a part of this configuration. The post is on the left, opposite just before where the chicane re-joins the main circuit. |
 | Marshal Post 7: Stebbe Straight
On exiting Gerard’s, there is an exit kerb. The post is just after the end of this kerb, on the left. |
 | Marshal Post 8: Edwina's
Bikes only.
Marshal Post 9: Cooper Esses In
At the end of Stebbe Straight is Edwina’s Chicane, to the left. To the left of the exit of the chicane is this post.
From the driver’s perspective, on approaching Edwina’s entry, by look straight along a line includes the apex of the grassy island, where the chicane ends, one should easily see the post. |
 | Marshal Post 10: Cooper Esses Out
The driver needs to be looking for this post early in the Esses, where it is easier to spot. It is located to the left as the Esses becomes the following straight. It can be seen opposite and shortly after the end of the gravel trap. |
 | Marshal Post 11: The Oak Tree
On approach to Shaw’s hairpin, a now unused post can be seen at the apex. Post 11 is just before, on the left.
Note that the Oak tree is no longer there.
Marshal Post 11A: Hairpin "In" and Marshal Post 14: Shaw’s Hairpin
I cannot locate these on the map. Note that the post on the apex of the hairpin is not used. |
 | Marshal Post 15: Bus Stop
Exiting Shaw’s hairpin, a chicane, which is not a part of this configuration, can be seen. This post is on the left, shortly before the entry. It is midway along Shaw’ Hairpin’s exit kerb. |
 | Marshal Post 18: The Devils Elbow
This is easy to spot. Passing the chicane, which is not a part of this configuration, the post can be seen directly ahead, on the right, at the start of the gravel trap. |
 | Marshal Post 20: Start/Finish Straight
If I was to guess, I what have named this as Post 1. Going down the start/finish straight, it is on the right, by the head of the starting grid and alongside Race Control. |
Page updated by Peter Tattersall, March, 2022