This is Scotland’s premier circuit, an accolade it would deserve if the country was awash with racing venues. The BTTC is one of its regular star attractions, bringing the spectators in their hoards. Thankfully, despite its compact size, there is space for everyone.

It is possible to walk around the outside of the circuit, whilst almost constantly viewing the on-track action, from the pit exit lane all the way round to the hairpin, with only grandstands and spectator enclosures getting in the way. Some of those viewing platforms are covered, allowing a modicum of comfort even when wet.

There is a bridge to the inside of the circuit, where spectators can watch the action from opposite the pit entry (clockwise circuit) down to the first corner.

Spectating Notes

1. Bridge
The bridge crosses the circuit by pit lane exit (clockwise circuit). It leads to spectating in the infield area, where we will be visiting later, having completed a clockwise tour of the outfield section.

This area offers limited views of the pit lane exit and main straight. With toilets nearby, it’s an ideal place to watch, while friends need to pay a visit.
2. Approach to Duffus Dip
From the bridge, walking to the first corner provides a clear view of the circuit, alongside parking space for the disabled.

As the covered grandstand and a gravel trap is approached, wire fencing is erected that does not affect the view too badly.

The grandstand area offers great views of the first corner, with the footpath continuing beyond.
3. Duffus Dip to McIntyres
This downhill section has plenty of benches for seating all the way down the hill. Fencing is throughout, which do little to spoil the scenic and action-packed view.
4. McIntyres to Blackcircles Chicane
McIntyres Corner provides views back up beyond Leslie’s and towards Blackcircles Chicane. The bench seating remains and the views get better.
5. Blackcircles Chicane Entry and Exit
A short walk and that question can be answered from my favourite area. Here, cars can be watched from the brow all the way to Clark’s, assuming they have not come to a halt in the gravel.
6. Clarks
On the way to Clark’s, the path drops down to the access road that runs parallel, then immediately continues. It’s a narrow path all the way to the corner, with ever-longer views of the Blackcircles Chicane’s exit.

There are two grandstands at Clark’s, emphasising the corner’s popularity, with great cornering action.
7. Hislop’s
There is an excess of space for spectators, going all the way up to the rally course.

Back to the circuit, spectators are close enough for a real feel for the speed through this high-speed corner.
8. Hairpin Approach
Two grandstands on approach, one opposite and a multitude thereafter. A very popular place to watch, with good reason.

Looking towards the Hairpin’s entry, there are likely to be seen every type of overtaking attempt, from the brilliantly successful to the disastrous failure. Enjoy.
9. Hairpin Grandstand
From here, the whole corner can be seen, including the long run past the pit lane
10. Hairpin Exit
Another fine view of the hairpin, including approach and exit. It is also very close for access to Paddocks 2 and 3, which offer toilets, showers and water.
11. Early Main Straight
Spectating along the main straight goes from the hairpin up to the pit entry (or exit, depending on circuit direction).
12. Infield Crossing
We are now back to the start of our tour, having completed exploring the spectating point on the outside of the circuit. Here, we can cross to the infield, where toilets are available either side of the bridge.
13. Infield Middle Path
Turning right on exiting the bridge leads the spectator towards the first corner. Make sure you are stocked up with water, as there are no facilities in this direction.

Halfway along, take the path to the right for pleasant if distant views of the far end of the circuit.
14. Infield Path to Turns 1 and 2
Continuing towards the first corner and a little beyond, one is rewarded with great first-corner action.
15. Infield Bank by Commentary Building
On exiting the bridge crossing, go straight ahead, past the toilet block, and then to the right. Passing the commentary tower, which has a water tap on the outside, there is a high bank providing excellent views.
16. Infield Bank near the Last Corner
From the bank overlooking Hislop’s, walk towards the main straight. Here, you can enjoy the action or turn left and continue to the furthest point overlooking the hairpin.

Page updated by Peter Tattersall, August 2022