The different configurations are detailed separately, and are
Not all marshal posts are necessarily in use. As a
minimum, each post should be visible to the marshals at the next post, in both
directions. For example, Post 7 can see posts 6 and 8.
The green flag lap is a sighting lap and one of its
intended uses is for the driver to learn the position of all manned posts.
Above is a map of the circuit, showing the marshal posts
for this configuration. Below, they are described in more detail.
Important Notes
The positions are a guideline
only. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, there may be
mistakes or updates since the guide was created. Any feedback is appreciated.
I have been unable to walk the
circuit since starting this guide. I intend to take photographs on my next
visit. I will also confirm all post numbers.
There are, effectively, two configurations: the same track in clockwise and anticlockwise directions, using the same marshal posts. The only difference is the approach of each post, as they will be on opposite directions. For this reason, each direction is shown separately.
Clockwise Configuration

Marshal Post 1: Startline
Located in the middle of the pit wall, on the left. It is clearly visible at the crest of the rise. | 


Marshal Post 2: Duffus Dip
Along the Stewart Straight, on passing the bridge, look to the right, at the apex of the next corner. This is after the pit exit and the start of the gravel. | 


Marshal Post 3: Leslie’s - McIntyres
From Stewart Straight is, in quick succession a fast right, a fast left, then a tight right. This post is just before that third right, McIntyres.
It is on the left, across the gravel trap. This gravel trap does not start by the track; it joins with the track just before this post’s position. | 


Marshal Post 4: Blackcircles Chicane
The approach to Blackcircles Chicane is uphill, with the entry at the crest. This post is in the eyeline on the crest, to the right. | 


Marshal Post 5: Brabham’s Straight
This post is not always in use, as the marshals at posts 4 and 6 can see each other.
There are no permanent references to comment upon. The post is to the inside, right and is about midway between Blackcircles Chicane and Clark’s. | 


Marshal Post 6: Clark's
Exiting the Blackcircles Chicane and heading towards Post 5, this post can be seen in the distance, to the right. It is between the two grandstands, next to the right-hand one.
On approach to Clark’s, by looking directly through the apex kerb, this post can be seen. Having rounded Clarks, it is to the left of the circuit.
The lights are a little before the post itself. | 


Marshal Post 7: Hislop's
On exiting to Clark’s, as the driver leaves the exit kerb and starts to steer to the left, this post can be seen ahead.
It is to the right of the circuit, on the inside, near where the tyre wall comes closest to the circuit. | 


Marshal Post 8: Taylors Hairpin Approach
On approach to Taylors Hairpin, this post can be seen in the distance, on the left, by the tyre wall.
Getting closer, there is a gravel trap on the left. This post is located shortly after this gravel begins and before the beginning of the entry kerb.
The lights are by the post but a few metres closer to the circuit, almost over the tyre wall | 


Marshal Post 8: Taylors Hairpin
On approach to Taylors Hairpin, this post can be seen in the distance, on the left, by the tyre wall.
This post is located on the outside, across the gravel trap. On turning in and looking across the apex, it can be seen straight ahead, to the left of the grandstand.
The lights are above, the end post furthest from the grandstand. | 


Marshal Post 10: Pit Entry
This post is on the left, just after the start of the pit entry lane.
It also covers traffic exiting the circuit.

Go to guide for configuration:
Anticlockwise Configuration

Marshal Post 10: Pit Entry
This post is on the right, towards the end of the pit exit lane. | 


Marshal Post 9: Taylors Hairpin
This post is located on the outside, across the gravel trap. It can be seen on the right, just after the grandstand. | 


Marshal Post 8: Hairpin Approach
Exiting the Hairpin, there is a gravel trap on the right. This post is located across this gravel, by its end. It is after the exit kerb ends. | 


Marshal Post 7: Hislop's
There is a short straight following the hairpin. This post is located on the left, just after and access road and before the road starts to curve to the right.


Marshal Post 6: Clark's
The approach to Clark’s is a continuous curve to the right.
On reaching the entry kerb, there are two covered spectator enclosures to the right; this post is between them. | 


Marshal Post 5: Brabham’s Straight
This post is not always in use, as the marshals at posts 4 and 6 can see each other.
The post is opposite and just after the end of the gravel trap that covers the exit of Clark’s


Marshal Post 4: Blackcircles Chicane
Approaching the chicane, a large gravel trap can be seen to the right. To the left, the tyre wall comes to an end in the distance, which is where you will see the post.
As one turns into the left-hand entry of Blackcircles Chicane, this post can be seen by the apex, at the end of a short access road.
Lights are above and in front of the post.
Looking across the post on turning into the first apex, one can see the next marshal post in the distance. | 


Marshal Post 3: McIntyres
On turning left for this corner, the post can be seen directly ahead, across the apex. | 


Marshal Post 2: Duffus Dip
On approaching the right-hand apex for Leslie’s, this post can be seen ahead, to the left of the circuit.
It is by the apex of this corner. | 


Marshal Post 1: Startline
Located in the middle of the pit wall, on the right. It is clearly visible at the crest of the rise. | 

Go to guide for configuration:
Page updated by Peter Tattersall, August 2022