1: Grandstand overlooking Clervaux
The circuit’s only grandstand overlooks the first corner, Clervaux, and the Hawthorn complex. It is only a short walk from any of the paddocks.
Much of the circuit action can be seen from here, including distance views of the chicane.
For toilet access, go behind the grandstand and turn right, towards the venue entrance. The toilets are one of the buildings to the right. |  |
From this photograph, C Paddock is behind, with the Assembly Area to the right. | The grandstand, with the medical centre in the distance. |
The medical centre is to the left, with toilets ahead. | The grandstand, with a path through to the banking that overlooks Clervaux. |
2: Bank, from Clervaux, through to Hawthorn Bend
There is a path to the banking to the left of the grandstand. Only a short distance from the paddocks, the bank overlooks Hawthorn, providing views of cars as they exit the first corner negotiate Hawthorn and approach the chicane. |  |
The bank, close to the grandstand. | From the other end of the bank, with Clervaux in view and the grandstand to the right. |
From the same point, by Hawthorn Bend, looking towards the Chicane. | |
3: Bank, from Hawthorn Bend to the Chicane
Just a little further than the previous position, but this bank requires a little dexterity. It is a steep climb and offers more limited views. Having said that, you can still see cars entering the first corner and have a closer view of them approaching the hairpin. |  |
View of the bank itself. | By Hawthorn Bend, looking towards the Chicane. |
View of the bank, with the Chicane ahead. | |
4: Chicane Exit
It is now developing into a pleasant walk from the paddock and this is an interesting stopping point. It provides an entertaining view of cars exiting the chicane and heading down the following straight. |  |
It is a short walk to the next bank, but the circuit is still visible through the fencing. | Steps to the bank. It could get noisy, with the tannoy.
Note the litter bin, one of many throughout the venue, so there really is no excuse. |
Chicane exit. | As you watch the cars speed along the back straight, you can also admire the well-looked after lawn. |
5: Back Straight
Not the most exiting view of cars going down the back straight, but here is a good place to watch the spinners who were untidy through the chicane. Conversely, a good exit can lead to an overtake. |  |
View back to the Chicane exit. | Not the most exiting view of cars going down the back straight, but here is a good place to watch the spinners who were untidy through the chicane. Conversely, a good exit can lead to an overtake. |
6: Back Straight
Here, parking is available only for the disabled enthusiast, with views of cars exiting the chicane and heading down the back straight. |  |
This banking allows parking for blue badge holders only. | A distant view of the chicane exit, along with the resulting spins and passes. |
7: Infield Spectating
This spectating area is only available when a marshal is stationed on Post Seven, as a marshal is required to safely guide spectators across. This post is not manned for every event and you must not cross unsupervised.
Crossing can clearly only take place between sessions, so once across, the spectator is stuck there without water, toilets or ice cream vans. |  |
The infield spectating is accessed from this gate. | From the gate, head towards gap by the marshal post. |
The entry to the infield. | The infield banking is through this gate. |
Cars will approach the Marshal Post, along the back straight. | Cars will head away from the Marshal Post, along the back straight. |
The bank goes all the way across to the start/finish straight. | The exit of the hairpin can be seen from here … |
… as can the complex exit, in the distance and pit entry in the foreground. | Cars will speed along the start/finish straight. |
8: Back Straight
This is the farthest point that the spectator can get. |  |
At the furthest point, there is not too much to see as the cars go by … | … but the view of their approach, at full racing speed, can be impressive. |
9: Back Straight - Toilets and Water
Having reached the furthest point for the spectator, we are now returning to the paddock. As we pass between the banks marked here as 6 and 5, we see toilet and water facilities. |  |
The toilets and water block from Bank 6. | This view is approaching the toilets and water block from the chicane, alongside Bank 5. |
Gents to the left, ladies to the middle, with disabled access via a ramp to the right. | The water tap can be seen here. The hose pipe is leading INTO the tap, so it can be used (I did, right after taking this photo). |
10: ‘A’ Paddock Toilets and Water
Having returned to the paddock area, the main toilet block is opposite Race Control. |  |
Opposite the garages is this toilet block.
Non-drinking water is available from these taps, whilst drinking water can be found to the right of the block. | This is just to the right of the toilet block. |
11. Complex
It is a short walk from ‘A’ Paddock to this bank, which overlooks the Complex and looks ahead towards the Hairpin. |  |
From ‘A’ Paddock, this path leads to the banking that stretches from the Complex to Sunny Out. | View of the paddock, marshal post and the Complex. |
Cars from Sunny Out, approaching the Complex. | The viewing stretches all the way to Sunny Out. |
12. Sunny Out
The other end of the bank that overlooks the Complex, this viewing point is a short walk from ‘C’ Paddock. It overlooks Sunny Out, with reasonable views further back of Sunny In. The short drag towards the Complex can then be enjoyed. |  |
From the bank the marshal post by Complex turn-in can be seen. | From the same position, Sunny In and Out are clear.
The banking ends here … |
… This photograph, taken by Sunny Out, shows the height of the bank. | From the same point, Sunny Out can be seen. |
From the same point, it is a short walk to ‘C’ Paddock. | |