This document details all the places a driver needs to take themselves or their car over a race weekend. Included are areas outside of the paddock itself, which will be covered first.

Each major section can be reached by the following links:

Paddock Access from Venue Entrance

On turning into the venue, security is straight ahead, opposite the grandstand. From here, take the first left for access to ‘C’ Paddock.

For ‘B’ Paddock, take the entry to the left, just after ‘C’ Paddock.

Instead, for ‘A’ Paddock, go straight on. This will take you past the scrutineering bay, on the left, opposite of which is access the the far end of ‘B’ Paddock.

The next entry to the right accesses, ‘A’ Paddock, or continue to the end, which will then bear left into the far end of ‘A’ Paddock.

Each major section can be reached by the following links:

Paddock Tour

The venue is laid out on what used to be a couple of runways, one running, very roughly, horizontally, the other can barely be described as vertical.

The ‘horizontal’ plane runs from a spectating area for Sunny In and Sunny Out, encompassing ‘C’ Paddock and on to the grandstand and beyond.

The ‘vertical’ plane runs down from the entrance, where the guide will begin. On the left is the Medical Centre and toilets [1], followed by the grandstand, also on the left. Next, opposite ‘C’ Paddock, is the entrance to the Assembly Area [2].

Continuing down, ‘B’ Paddock is on the left, with Scrutineering [3] to the right. Diverting into the bottom end of ‘B’ Paddock and continuing south, we pass Parc Fermé [4] on the left. Then, having entered ‘A’ Paddock, the administrative block is on the left [5], with toilets further down, to the right [6].

There are waste oil facilities in both paddocks ‘A’ and ‘C’ [7].

Paddock Photographic Tour

The numbers against each photograph are references to the map at the head of this section.

The Medical Centre can be made out to the left of the grandstand, with ambulances parked alongside.
The Medical Centre is on the left, with toilets centre.

Between the two toilet blocks is a drinking water tap.

The right-most block is declared as a meeting point for lost persons.
Approaching the Assembly Area from C Paddock.
Approaching the Assembly Area from A and B Paddocks.

Ahead is the entry to the venue.
Assembly Area entry and exit.
From here, with the Assembly Area to the left and C Paddock to the right, the scrutineering bay can be seen ahead, to the right of the car.
The entrance to the scrutineering bay.
Exiting the final corner of the circuit, the pit lane entry is almost immediately on the left. Drive past the two garage blocks and parc fermé is just ahead, to the left, with two yellow lines guiding the driver in. This is the south end of the paddock that runs alongside the circuit’s start/finish straight.

Farc fermé is just ahead of the garage blocks, to the left, with two yellow lines guiding the driver in.
Two yellow lines guide the driver into parc fermé.
From within parc fermé, with the exit in the opposite corner to the entrance.
Parc fermé exit.
Parc fermé, with the Admin block in the distance.
The Admin block. Included here are:

• Administration
• Driver Sign On
• Race Control
• Clerks, including the clerk of the course.
• Stewards
• Timekeepers
The toilet block, which includes showers and disabled facilities.

To the left of and before the block is a water tap.

To the right of the toilet block is a drinking water tap.
The toilet block, with the water tap in the foreground.
The toilet block, with the drinking water tap to its right.
This oil disposal point is at the far end of the garage blocks.
There is another oil disposal point, this time in ‘C’ Paddock, close to the Assembly Area and grandstand.

Each major section can be reached by the following links:

Pits, Including Entry and Exit

Pit Entry

The pit entry almost immediately follows the final corner of the circuit, the right-handed hairpin. Marshal Post 19 is opposite the pit entry lane and is usually involved in flagging in participants at the end of a race or session, or during a red flag.

The pit lane speed limit is by the start of the first brick building, and so is reasonably straightforward to spot. The author understands that the speed limit is normally 50mph, but during his meeting that was reduced to 40mph. Always be aware.

Pit Lane

At the end of an official session, in particular qualifying and racing, all competitors will likely be directed into parc fermé, the entry to which immediately follows the end of the garages.

Pit Exit

For access to the circuit, continue straight on. The pit lane speed limit ends just before Marshal Post 1, which is at the apex where pit-lane exit meets the circuit.

Be aware of cars on the racing line, which is the left-side of the track, the same line which you will be joining. Cars will be travelling at full speed, possibly at least two abreast, heading towards the first corner who’s braking point is after pit exit.

Pit Lane Photographic Tour

The numbers against each photograph are a reference to the map at the head of this section.

Pit Entry
Exiting the hairpin, the pit entry is ahead, to the
left. The yellow line is the pit entry lane.
Pit Entry
Pit entry. Be aware of the 50kph speed limit, unless otherwise indicated (see next photo).
Pit Lane
Ah! Here it is a 40kph limit.
Pit Lane
At the end of a session, you are likely to be directed into parc ferme.
Pit Exit
Obey the lights by the marshals post; do not exit when they are red.
Pit Exit
The marshals post can be seen on the right, just ahead of the release of the pit-lane speed limit.
Pit Exit
Be aware of the liklihood of merging into traffic that is on the racing line and travelling at high speed.

Start Lights and Grid

Each major section can be reached by the following links:

Once exiting the Assembly Area, the driver can complete the lap, then line up on the grid alongside the pit wall.

The start line is situated about centrally along the pit lane. It is alongside the admin block, between the two garage blocks. The starting lights are ahead, alongside the third garage.

For most meetings, competitors can see the starting lights, but there is a repeater located at the hairpin.

Grid Photographic Tour

The numbers against each photograph are a reference to the map at the head of this section.

Head of Grid
The white line is the head of the grid.

The starting lights can be seen further on.
The Grid
The view of the start lights from within the starting pack.
Back of Grid
The repeater starting light is located at the hairpin at Marshal Post 18.

Each major section can be reached by the following links:

Page created by Peter Tattersall, April 2024