Not all marshal posts are necessarily in use. As a minimum, each post should be visible to the marshals at the next post, in both directions. For example Post 3 can see posts 2 and 4.
The green flag lap is a sighting lap and one of its intended uses is for the driver to learn the position of all manned posts.
Above is a map of the circuit, showing the all of the marshal posts. Below, they are described in more detail.
Note: All round the circuit, many of the marshal posts
are supported be lights that repeat the marshal’s waved flags.
Marshal Post 1: Startline
This post is by the Start/Finish line.
There is a red tower visible just beyond the startline, which can be sighted from much further back.
The starting lights can be seen beyond, above which are a set of lights. | 

Marshal Post 2: Folly
On approach, it can be seen in the distance after the pit wall and Folly corner sign.
It is located immediately after the end of the pit exit lane, on the left. | 

Marshal Post 3: Avon Rise
From far back, the right-hand kink that precedes Avon Rise can be seen. Just after this, on the left, is the marshal post.
On getting closer, the post is clearly just before the left-hand bend begins.
There is a set of lights just before Marshal Post 3. | 

Marshal Post 4: Quarry In
Immediately after Post 3, on the apex and atop a tower, is Marshal Post 4. Just round the corner of Avon Rise is another post, but this is not a flag post and so can be ignored. Instead, look to the right of the lights for a secondary flag post, which is at the end of the catch fence and opposite the corner apex.
From the apex at Marshal Post 4, these are directly ahead, towards the left of the black/red barrier. They are briefly in the eyeline until the driver’s attention switches to Quarry Corner. | 

Marshal Post 5: Quarry Out
It is just before an access road crossing the circuit and the start of a spectator viewing bank on the left.
It can be spotted before the previous marshal post by looking to the right, across the inside of the circuit. A quick glance is enough to place the post and notice if a flag is waving.

Marshal Post 6: Essess In
On the left, just before the Esses marker board prior to turn-in. | 

Marshal Post 7: Esses Out
Prior to the chicane, this post can be seen through the chicane cut-through, on the right, with the lights visible straight ahead.
The post is straight after the chicane exit, on the right, inside of the circuit.
These are located about halfway between the marshal post and the white building on the left (the kart circuit), just after a break in the catch fencing.

Marshal Post 8: Old Paddock
There is a white tower (the kart circuit) on the left just after the start of the exit kerbing. At the end of this exit kerbing is the marshal post. | 

Marshal Post 9: Hammerdown
To the right, on the outside of the circuit. It is shortly before the left-hand curve. | 

Marshal Post 10: Tower In
Approaching Hammerdown corner, this post can be seen by looking across the inside of the apex, to the right of which are the more visible lights.
Rounding the corner, the post is more clearly visible on the left.
On approach to Tower corner, these are visually directly ahead. They are on the left, as the corner begins.

On approach to Tower corner, these are visually directly ahead. They are on the left, as the corner begins.
Marshal Post 11: Tower Out
This post can be clearly seen as the driver turns in for the apex of Tower corner.
It is on the inside of the circuit, on the apex, towards the end of the bend.

Marshal Post 12: Bobbies
Exiting Tower corner, this post can be seen ahead, to the left, on the outside of the circuit.
Just before the post is a sign for Bobbies chicane. | 

Marshal Post 13: Bobbies Exit
On approach to Bobbies, this post can be just be made out through to the right of the cut-through, with the lights being more visible, straight on.
Rounding the second apex of Bobbies, the post can be see to the right, on the inside of the circuit just after the exit kerbing.
These lights are located midway between Marshal Posts 13 and 14. The are on the left, outside of the circuit and can be seen from the approach to Bobbies, giving plenty of warning to the observant driver.

Just as the track straightens, after the long curve through the exit of Bobbies chicane, can be seen a set of lights, on the left. These cover both Camp corner and the pit entry, so if you are exiting the track, be vigilant, as you may see a spinner at Camp, but that could be a separate incident.
Marshal Post 14: Camp
On the outside of the circuit, at the entrance to the pit lane.
Incident Post
A short distance into the pit lane appears to be another marshal post, but this is for the post chief and the incident team; it is not a flag point. If there is a red flag and there is time for race control to react, marshals at the flag point will display a board with instructions to hold competitors at that post, thus minimising time lost on a restart. During practice competitors will head down the pit lane as normal.
There is a further set of lights between Marshal Posts 14 and 1. They are positioned on the outside, right-side of the circuit, just as the circuit beings to turn for Camp corner.
These can be seen on approach to Camp, by looking directly ahead.

Page updated by Peter Tattersall, August 2024