With most people having satnav, there’s little to be gained from various detailed directions. It is the final few miles where a little advise can be an aid to confidence.
The following sets of directions will take you to the main entrance from different start points. For other entrances, use the next section to modify your final approach.
From the North East
- Starting from Malmsesbury on the A429, head South towards the M4.
- The satnav may guide you into a right turn, a short distance before a railway bridge. This is not advised as it is a narrow road.
- Cross the M4 motorway, taking the third exit onto the A350.
- Again, the satnav may guide you into a right turn, this time at a set of traffic lights, with a third lane for that right turn. Again, this is not advised as a left turn will soon be required into another narrow road.
- At the roundabout, take the fourth exit onto Bristol Road, signposted the A420 and Castle Combe.
- As the road widens into two lanes, take the right lane and turn right onto the B4039. This is also signposted for Castle Combe Racing Circuit.
- Arrive at Castle Combe, on the left.
From the M4 East
- We are starting from the M4, East of Castle Combe.
- Exit at Junction 17, Signposted A350 and A429.Take the first exit onto the A350.
- The satnav may guide you into a right turn at a set of traffic lights, with a third lane for that right turn. This is not advised as a left turn will soon be required into another narrow road.
- At the roundabout, take the fourth exit onto Bristol Road, signposted the A420 and Castle Combe.
- As the road widens into two lanes, take the right lane and turn right onto the B4039. This is also signposted for Castle Combe Racing Circuit.
- Arrive at Castle Combe, on the left.
From the South East
- There are two start points for this guide. The first is where, from Salisbury, your sat nav has taken you along the A36 and then up the A305.
- The second start point is where, again from Salisbury, your sat nav directed you via the A360. This road crosses theA361 as a staggered junction (left, then right), which leads onto the A342. On entering Chippenham, the A-road and later restarts as the A420.
- Both routes merge here. From the A350, take the first exit, whilst from the A420 you take the second exit, Bristol Road. Either way, it is signposted A420 and Castle Combe.
- As the road widens into two lanes, take the right lane and turn right onto the B4039. This is also signposted for Castle Combe Racing Circuit.
- Arrive at Castle Combe, on the left.
From the South
- We are starting from the of Bath. This road is narrow in sections, but should be suitable with appropriate care. Alternatively, consider the A46.
- At the tee-junction, turn right onto the A420.
- Your satnav may guide you into a left turn. This is not advised, as it is a narrow road.
- Turn left, signposted the B4039 and Castle Combe Racing Circuit.
- Arrive at Castle Combe, on the left.
From the M4 West
- We are starting from the M4, West of Castle Combe.
- Exit at Junction 17, Signposted A46 Bath and Stroud. Also signposted to Castle Combe.
- Turn right, signposted Tormarton. This leads into a long, reasonably straight road.
There are no major conurbations along the way and so I’m not sure why there was no signpost for the circuit. Instead, you will be signposted along the orange route and pass through Old Sodbury before being guided right at a crossroad, onto the B4040. That road has some slow corners, but is still reasonable, and leads into Acton Turville, turning into the B4039 as it merges into the chosen route (next step). - Turn right, signposted B4039. It is also signposted for Castle Combe. Cross over the M4 motorway, then bear left and right.
- The road bears sharp left, as warned by a sharp deviation sign.
- Arrive at Castle Combe, on the left.
From the M5 North
Pretty much the same as the previous directions, but it is important to have this separate section in order to reinforce the fact that, despite taking a little more time, if you are towing or driving a heavy vehicle, then this is the more sensible route.
The satnav will more than likely take you off the M5 at Junction 13. That will lead to some steep hills, one section descending to a tight roundabout, allowing a minimum run up the following incline.
- We are starting from the M5, West of the M5.
- Exit at Junction 15, Signposted M4(E) and London.
- Now on the M4, exit at Junction 17, Signposted A46 Bath and Stroud. Also signposted to Castle Combe.
- Turn right, signposted Tormarton. This leads into a long, reasonably straight road.
There are no major conurbations along the way and so I’m not sure why there was no signpost for the circuit. Instead, you will be signposted along the orange route and pass through Old Sodbury before being guided right at a crossroad, onto the B4040. That road has some slow corners, but is still reasonable, and leads into Acton Turville, turning into the B4039 as it merges into the chosen route (next step). - Turn right, signposted B4039. It is also signposted for Castle Combe. Cross over the M4 motorway, then bear left and right.
- The road bears sharp left, as warned by a sharp deviation sign.
- Arrive at Castle Combe, on the left.
Entrance Gates
Each gate is subject to a colour code and not all gates are open for every meeting.
The Yellow Gate is listed for completion, although it is no longer in use.
The Blue Gate is for competitor access only, into the paddocks.
Below is a guide to access to each paddock. The first part will start when travelling south, from the B4039 where it turns to the left. Instead, we will go straight on, passing the Red, Purple and Orange gates. We will then turn back and head for the Blue competition gate and finish at the Green gate.
For drivers arriving from the other direction, we will start the tour on the B4039 travelling westwards, from shortly after Tiddleywink (I had to use that village name). Here, we will pass each gate, starting with Green and passing by Blue, Red, Purple and, finally, Orange.
Start When Travelling South, Along B4039
Start When Travelling West, Along B4039
Entering the post code into my satnav usually gets me there, but not always, so I also include GPS coordinates. What3Words are also an increasingly useful addition. I try to find a w3w location with at least one word that is related to motor racing; I also try to find short words.
I have also provided coordinates and What3Words for a position within the paddock. This could be useful as a meeting point for guests.
Coordinates are given in the three formats:
DMS: Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds
DD: Decimal degrees
Circuit Entrance Coordinates
DMS: 51°29’39.08″, -2°12’48.92″
DD: 51.49419, -2.21359
What3words: ///retail.glove.earplugs
Paddock Coordinates
DMS: 51°29’38.54″, -2°12’53.53″
DD: 51.49404, -2.21487
What3words: ///parked.engineers.shrugging
Page created by Peter Tattersall, July 2024