Great Britain is blessed with some amazing circuits and this can claim to be the best of them all. Especially for the club race where ‘things to hit’, whilst being there, are minimised. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not super-safe (in a track day I’ve followed a saloon through Craner Curves and watched the car roll after innocuously dipping a wheel onto the grass), but there’s enough of a margin to allow most weekends to end without wallet-bursting bills. At this venue, the hills really are alive with the sound of music, with that music being the living up to the challenge of all those corners, whether fast and smooth, downhill and faster (and smoother) off-camber or even slow. Hold on, scratch that last one, unless it’s the International. That swaps the amazing last corner chicane for an almost-as-good chicane, followed by two hairpins. Unless it’s wet, when they are a bit of a let-down, so stick to the National configuration and you won’t lose out.

Donington Park
Castle Donington,
DE74 2BN.
01332 810048


The technical information has been extracted from the Motorsport UK Yearbook 2024, published online and effective from 01/01/2024.

The technical information has been extracted from the Motorsport UK Yearbook 2024, published online and effective from 01/01/2024.

Length: 2.49 miles, 4.003 km

Number of Starters
Racing & Sports Racing Cars over 2000cc: 32
Racing & Sports Racing Cars up to 2000cc: 36
Other Classes: 42

Speed Limits

Paddock Speed Limit: 5 mph
Access Roads Speed Limit: 20 mph
Pit Lane Speed Limit: 60 kph – 37.28 mph

Getting There

The above link provides a map and advice on how to access the circuit for competitors and spectators.


Entering a post code into my satnav usually gets me there, but not always, so I also include GPS coordinates with this guide. What3Words are also an increasingly useful addition. I try to find a w3w location with at least one word that is related to motor racing; I also try to find short words or a humorous sentence.

I have also provided coordinates and What3Words for a position within the paddock. This could be useful as a meeting point for guests.

Circuit Entrance Coordinates

Paddock Coordinates

Useful Links and Information

Google Map of Paddock and Pits

Official Map of Circuit and Facilities

Official Accommodation List

Official Directions

Map of Corner Names


How to monetise this web site is an ongoing issue, but I do not want adverts as all they do is add to the coffers of the internet giants while detracting from the contents of these pages. I also don’t use cookies, which are often perceived as a means of stealing visitor’s personal data.

The answer, for now at least, is Print-On-Demand merchandise. The diagrams that are on these web pages have been created by myself and so I own the copyrights. From them, I have created a series of merchandise that can be bought by visitors to these pages.

RedBubble was chosen after my being confused while investigating such sites. This was one that I could understand, but not fully and so more updates are expected. The prices were also far more sensible than other retailers, mainly due to postage not being from the USA.

Merchandise available includes:

  • T-Shirts
  • Caps
  • Bags
  • Pillows
  • Mugs
  • Coasters
  • Mouse Mats
  • Desk Mats
  • Pet Mats
  • Stickers
  • Tablet and Phone Cases
  • Clocks
  • Badges

Marshal Posts

The above link provides comprehensive details on the marshal posts for this configuration.

Visit the above link for comprehensive details on the marshal posts for this configuration.

Not all marshal posts are for the displaying of flags, whilst not all flag posts are necessarily in use. The minimum requirement is for each flag post having a clear view of the previous and following posts. The above link is to a page showing a large map of all flag posts on the circuit, along with a description of post.

It is important for the drivers to familiarise themselves with the location of all flag posts. This is usually done, for a race, on the green flag lap where drivers, having lined up on the grid in starting order, then set off and drive the circuit at a sensible and controlled pace that is set by either the pole-position person or a safety/course car. On that lap, every manned flag post displays a waved green flag, allowing the driver to memorise all positions. Memorising those posts in advance can be helpful. A similar display takes place for other sessions, such as qualifying, but the flags are only displayed long enough for cars that are released onto the circuit at the start of that session; latecomers need to have already done their research.

Track Limits

There are track limits sensors on the exit of the following corners:

  • Redgate
  • Old Hairpin
  • McLeans
  • Roberts Chicane

Extracted From MSV Briefing Notes:

You are permitted to drive on the track asphalt up to and including the white line, and on the full extent of any kerbs (marked red/white). However you are not permitted to put any wheel beyond the white lines or kerbs.

All trackdays and test days at MSV circuits are run in accordance with these new regulations. If anyone does not comply, the following actions will be taken by the circuit:

  • 1st infringement: Black/white driving standards flag warning.
  • 2nd infringement: Black flag, report to control tower. This is the final warning without penalty.
  • 3rd infringement: Black flag, 20 minute track time exclusion.
  • Further infringements: Black flag, 20 minute track time exclusion.

In the interest of practicality and expediency, decisions by decisions by MSV circuit staff will be final and there will be no right of appeal against any penalty or right to review evidence.

Paddock Facilities

The above link provides a tour of the paddock facilities, along with pit access, grid details and more.

The paddock is the same for either configuration. Facilities vary depending on where one is based and the type of meeting. For example, my last visit was during a Truck meeting, which meant that extra water and portacab toilets were in use.


There are no camping facilities for drivers, only for marshals. There is a campsite nearby, which can be expensive if the race meeting is a ‘major’ event.

Showers and Toilets

Showers are above the tunnel that leads to the infield.

There are plenty of toilets throughout the circuit and even more, via portacabins, during major events. For the permanent toilets, the east-side of Garage 39 supplies a set. Another set lies at the fencing by the Melbourne Loop, roughly midway between the petrol station and the medical centre or grandstand. Another block is found on the west border of the paddock, close to Turn 1, Redgate. Finally for the paddock, the hospitality block that overseas Wheatcroft Straight from the pit exit has several toilets along its length.

There are more toilet blocks outside of the paddock for spectators. One is behind the grandstand that overlooks Hollywood corner. Another overlooks McLean corner while another is outside the approach to the Melbourne Hairpin.

Showers are above the infield tunnel. I did not know about these until after my visit, but I have been advised (thanks Simon) that they are “really good and warm”.

I have also been informed that the two adjacent (Ladies and Gents) toilet blocks by the Melbourne Loop, midway between the petrol station and the grandstand, provides showers, but I have not confirmed this.

Waste Facilities

The caravan waste facilities that I found were a little strange, in that they were all large cubes with the waste to be poured into an opening in the middle of top; how one was to get there and ‘make a deposit’ in a clean manner is beyond me. It’s probably obvious, if you know how. They were all temporary, so I shall not list them here as their positions can easily change.

Oil Waste

I found two oil waste disposal points. One is by the westernmost border, two-thirds of the way down from the toilet block. The other is at the fence opposite the garages, to the right of the toilets that are midway between the petrol station and the Medical Centre/Admin block.

See the paddock plan for the exact positions.


I found a couple of recycling bins, both next to toilet blocks, so well done to Donington Park. One is by the westernmost toilet block, close to the first corner; the other is at the fence opposite the garages, midway between the petrol station and the Medical Centre/Admin block.


Depending on where in the paddock you are will dictate the availability of electricity. My most recent visit placed us in the westernmost area of the paddock (from the security/pay booths and on entering the paddock, turn left). There, we had very limited electricity supply, but I understand that it is potentially available on request from sub-surface supplies via locked manhole covers.

For the rest of the paddock, the main source of electricity is from the garages.


I found lots of water, the majority of which was provided via temporarily set up taps. I did find one permanent supply on the western area of the paddock. Looking south, it was by the far fence, about centre of the buildings beyond.

More water can be found in all toilets and garages.

Refreshments, Bar and Shop

Garage 39 is located by the pit lane in the middle of the main paddock, where the pitlane garages begin. Inside, there are a couple of places to buy food, including a reasonably priced restaurant with decent food. There is also a bar located inside.

Newsagent. When entering the paddock from the main entrance, this is located at the start of the first block to the right (west). It wasn’t open the last time I was there, which was a major event (trucks), so I’m not confident that it is still operating.

Megastore. Located on the opposite end of the block to the newsagent, next to the petrol station. Again, it wasn’t open the last time I was there, which was a major event (trucks), so I’m not confident that it is still operating.

Defibrillator. This is located at the end of this block, next to the petrol station.

Spectating Points

The above link provides comprehensive details on all spectating points around the circuit.

My personal favourite spectating point overlooks Hollywood, while taking in views of Redgate all the way to Old Hairpin. In a short period of sunshine I sat at a table at the right-hand base of the grandstand, considering that raised location being the best spot of all. Or you could try the grandstand. I went up it just to take a couple of photographs, only for a friendly marshal to point out that there was a £10 entry fee. Once my tight northern heart restarted, I apologised and left.

Behind this grandstand was a toilet block and, for this truck meeting, there were, in a separate area, several food stalls.

I was able to walk (or run) all the way round to Coppice, but no further on the outside of the circuit. I was able to go through a tunnel and then travel the length of the inner perimeter.

Also at Coppice was a parking area specifically for the disabled. This had great views of the circuit, from McLeans to Coppice.

Official Locations

Signing OnAdmin Block, First Floor.
Race AdminThis is the Admin Block. It is located at the far end of the garage block, next to the grandstand and medical centre.
Race ControlAdmin Block, Second Floor.
Clerk of the CourseAdmin Block, Second Floor.
TimekeepingAdmin Block, First Floor.
First Aid / Medical CentreThe medical centre is next to, and north of, the grandstand.
The Medical Centre is at the rear of the grandstand that overlooks the final corner and pit entry.

Race Locations

ScrutineeringGarage 39 is the big building that juts out from the pit lane. To the left of this is Scrutineering, along with parc ferme.

Scrutineering is surrounded by a large fence, the front of which has an access gate.
Noise TestNoise testing is normally conducted on entry to, or while queuing to enter, the Assembly Area.
Assembly AreaLocated just outside of the gate that leads into the Melbourne Loop. To get there from the paddock, drive to the road that leads to the exit. As soon as you have turned out of the main paddock area, you have reached the Assembly Area. Unless you are one of the first to arrive, you will most likely reach the queue whilst still in the main paddock.
Parc FermeThis is located next to the scrutineering bay. After a session on the circuit, it is reached via the pit lane entry by driving past the garage blocks. Right after Garage 39, you will be directed left into Scrutineering.
Pit LaneThe pit lane speed limit is 60 km/h, or 37.3mph.

Exiting the final chicane, it is advisable to move over to the left while giving a hand signal to show that you are pitting, then slow down and enter the pits, on the left. Be aware of the speed limit, which may be slower at some meetings.
Starting GridExiting the final hairpin, a left-hander, the starting grid is straight ahead.

Petrol Availability

Petrol is available on-site. It is located about the centre of the main paddock, by the exit of the Melbourne Hairpin and opposite Garage 39.

The closest petrol station, time-wise, from the circuit is an Esso station. The nearest Shell station, which I believe sells 98-RON petrol is just over ten minutes away.

West, 2.8 miles, around 7 minutes
90 High Street,
DE73 8GJ.

North East, 3.3 miles; around 8 minutes
Station Road,
Castle Donington,
DE74 2NL.

Esso EG Newmarket
North East, 5.6 miles; around 10 minutes
65 Newmarket,
LN11 9EG.

North, 10.2 miles; around 14 minutes
Derby Southern Bypass,
A50, Shardlow, East Bound.
DE72 2WA.

YouTube Videos

Here are links to all of my YouTube videos for this circuit and configuration:

Information Pack

Here are the latest copies of all the personalised files that make up my Information Pack.

Return to the Circuits page.

Page updated by Peter Tattersall, August 2024